Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Little Bit of Home

Well, here's just a peek of what's up in our Missionary Home.  As some of you know we're in the Paynesville Home (named after the town) right across the road from the Branch.  Gene and I have been here since the home opened in 2008 but the family has changed alot since then.  Some have been reassigned to other homes and new missionaries have joined us here as well.  As some moved we took the opportunity to change rooms, so now we're in a "double" with a nice apartment feel.  Check out the pics and see where you'll be staying when you visit (haha)

(left) First view when you enter - living room/kitchenette

(right)  view from couch - front door/kitchenette that Gene designed/built for me.  Isn't he talented?

Bedroom - Office (out of view far left)

Yes we have our own personal facilities that's what
you really wanted to know right?

Oh yeah, in June we celebrated our 15th anniversary and though we were far from you all, our family here outdid themselves to make it special for us.  Liberia has not been a place that offers many entertainment/recreation options.  Though we both are rarely bored, it was our 15th so we wanted it to be nice. For the past few years there were no options, if you wanted a nice dinner it meant coming home early from service and cooking it yourself.  But this time our family + friends spoiled us with a surprise dinner with decorations, cake and all.

We should have suspected it but didn't when a Bethelite couple took us out for drinks + appetizers that evening.  I was like 'hey I'm still hungry' (Daun) and asked for a menu to order more but they discouraged it.  Of course they weren't being cheap but they wanted us to have room for the meal waiting for us.  We were TOTALLY surprised and thoroughly enjoyed being spoiled for the evening.

Well that's all for now.  As we speak we're preparing for the District Convention, yes, the one you finished with aeons ago.  Thanks for not telling us all the goodies and releases received.  Two more weeks we'll see for ourselves.  So,  until then just know that we're always thinking bout ya from way over here in the other corner of the 'courtyard'   G n D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Has it really been a year already?

Ugh . . . . . we hadn't been in our assignment 3 years yet so unfortunately we would not receive invitations to attend the International Conventions in our home country. How awesome that many loved ones surprised us by sponsoring our awesome vacation.  We began by a brief stop in Belgium and because we ended up staying overnight we got to see the Branch there.  (see pics) So much was accomplished and enjoyed in the 4 months we spent in the States. Gene and I even had to 'divide & conquer' but we squeezed as much as we could into the time.

We were thrilled to catch up with lots of old friends and make new ones too! Can you imagine being there to welcome newborn family members, but knowing the next time you see them you'll have to convince them they know you? Or what about catching up with our Gilead classmates who are assigned to the country right next door (Fiedlers in Republic of Guinea) but it was easier(and safer) to meet up in US? Still we know we missed some of you and we hope you'll forgive us. Hard to believe exactly a year ago we were there with you. Here's a few pics . . . .

Just like old times

The Triplets

2009 District Convention - Foya, Lofa County

After we returned to Liberia, we were excited to finally attend our Convention. We had gone in ASL (Belleville, MI) but spent much of the time in the hallways 'talking' and hugging(totally disregarding the attendants' PLEASE BE SEATED sign). So now is our chance to really soak up the program.

So we take off from Monrovia for Lofa County, City of Foya for the Convention. The full day journey is by Land Cruiser along verrRRrrRRrrrrry bumpy roads. The distance is relatively short, but on dirt roads still ravaged by war and eroded by the heavy rainy seasons , “Are we there yet?” is the only thought on your mind. Better to think it because every time you open your mouth it fills with dust.

When we arrive you forget the whole process because the natural beauty of this upcountry city is very welcoming. The grounds were very sweetly adorned with local foliage and palm fronds were thickly laid across bamboo supports to make the 'roof' for our 'facility'. It was enough to shield us from the blazing sun while allowing the gentle breeze to flow through.

On our long list of 'must-haves' for going on this upcountry excursion was a coat. Gene laughed as I packed but every morning we awoke to a dewy chill I had never felt since coming to Liberia. Not sure but it felt like about 60ºF, quite frosty when you've grown accustomed to averages around 90ºF.

Gene got a brief lesson in the Kissi dialect to have
  some local lingo for his talk.  The friends loved his effort and so did I.


Being our first time to this side of Liberia, which borders with Guinea, I jumped at a chance travel just across the border to see what their market had to offer. Though it involved a 40 min motorbike trek followed by a questionable canoe ride .  .  .   .   .  I was going.


 I mean you say SHOPPING what was I supposed to do. Sorry wasn't brave enough to take the camera, but will next time for sure.  I was so beautiful.  Just spent a few hours over there but at least I did it. Now with a few Guinea Francs for posterity and gorgeous material purchased I thought it was worth it. And of course we made lots of friends and have memories that will stick with us forever.

We sat in front of this interested family and their
                                                                                    3 handsome, active sons.                                  
Nyumah Family (4 generations of JW's)

Zone Visit - 2010

 Often the highlight of the year is the visit of the Zone Overseer. This year we got to meet Edward & Sara Bunn from the Puerto Rico Branch (see above).   Yes, you read it right a brother from P.R. in Liberia (can you believe it?!?) As you may know the Zone visit is a special week of activity. After days of meetings with Branch Committee, a special meal is served where Bethel family invites all missionaries too! We too have a session with him where he likes to find out the special challenges associated with our territory and he gives a talk as encouragement.  Wanna see what goes on during a zone visit?


On the Sunday of his visit we have an assembly program of sorts for just the morning, with the Zone Overseer of course as the Public Speaker. Our attendance was over 8,000! Since the stadium capacity was only around 5,000 many stood outside and endured the heat of the Equatorial sun just to hear a portion. We are so well-fed at Jehovah's table  and the physical food ain't bad either.