Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Zone Visit - 2010

 Often the highlight of the year is the visit of the Zone Overseer. This year we got to meet Edward & Sara Bunn from the Puerto Rico Branch (see above).   Yes, you read it right a brother from P.R. in Liberia (can you believe it?!?) As you may know the Zone visit is a special week of activity. After days of meetings with Branch Committee, a special meal is served where Bethel family invites all missionaries too! We too have a session with him where he likes to find out the special challenges associated with our territory and he gives a talk as encouragement.  Wanna see what goes on during a zone visit?


On the Sunday of his visit we have an assembly program of sorts for just the morning, with the Zone Overseer of course as the Public Speaker. Our attendance was over 8,000! Since the stadium capacity was only around 5,000 many stood outside and endured the heat of the Equatorial sun just to hear a portion. We are so well-fed at Jehovah's table  and the physical food ain't bad either.


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