Monday, March 28, 2011

District Convention and Zone Visit 2011

Our Remain in God’s Love District though held months ago was truly unforgettable.  Over the years, in addition to those at various locations in the interior, there has been one for all of the Greater Monrovia area.  However because last year’s was a bit large, it was scheduled differently being divided in 2.  Our congregation was assigned to attend on November 12-14, 2010 with peak attendance of 8,100.   With the other section’s attendance well over 7,000, it means in a country of 6,000 pubs one convention alone doubles our national count. 

From the Sign Language side it was a boost for 2 new brothers to be baptized.  They are both different in that one has been drawn to the truth in last year or two and despite many challenges has made his stand clearly known.  (see left)

And, the other has known the truth for years but just recently overcame a major hurdle -- made his relationship legal and is now serving Jehovah along with his wife who is also a deaf publisher.  It was nice that even though it was not the largest deaf crowd in attendance that there were a couple of new faces.  One young girl, who has just begun to attend school, gets instruction from her peers on the ABC's. 

During the program it was hard to find Gene and the other brothers from our missionary home but here’s a picture of all the sisters from our home. 


           L to R (Andrea, me, Teresa, Julie)

It was very hot as usual so when I did catch up with Gene he was getting pointers from this little guy on how to keep cool  . . . . .
 . . . . .DRESS LIGHT  !!

After a couple of months, we were eagerly anticipating the arrival of our Zone Overseer and his wife, Bro. and Sister Walls from U.S. Branch (NY). (above)

 February, though the shortest month, was power packed.  We soaked up every bit of encouragement from Bro. Walls and filled our spiritual and physical bellies at the same time.

At the Branch the whole week of activity is a treat but also requires much extra work and attention.  Notice even the awesome floral arrangement which met us at the door.  A real tortoise shell filled with exotic tropical blooms! It was like the Branch had been transformed into a very welcoming luxurious restaurant. Then the meal and experiences/expressions that followed were no disappointment.

During the special meeting with the missionaries (which is similar to the Pioneer mtg. prior to the Circuit Assembly) the following point(s) were shared for our application/reminders:

(in home)
There are many reasons that problems may arise, but no reason for them to continue.
Procedures change but Bible principles never do.

(in field)
Always respect people for where they are and how they live, just as Jesus HUMBLY left a place of perfection and beauty to live among humans.  None of us selected our country of origin/situation in life so we have no reason to look down on the the circumstances of others.  Resist all hints of nationalism/feelings of superiority, condescension, etc. we all are equal already in Jehovah’s eyes.

(in heart)
Spirituality can become a shallow endeavor if we focus simply on displaying qualities (i.e. character development/personality) but forgetting the truly active role of Jehovah’s holy spirit.  Knowledge, years of service by itself will not suffice but should be based on meditative Bible study that aligns our thinking with Jehovah’s.

1 comment:

  1. You girls look so cute! Looks like Andrea is fitting right in with you all!
