Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's Eat-O

So don’t know why but I’ve been getting quite adventurous with food preparation.  Maybe since we’re all settled in and cozy now is the time to try and branch out.  In the past ‘branch out’ means jump in the car with the girls and try that new Thai or Indian restaurant that just opened up. Or if Gene and I are wiped out we’ll order something different to take out from that extra busy greasy spoon neighborhood spot.  So when you are miles away from that neighborhood spot and oceans away from your girls (you know who you are)  --what to do?

Time to explore the local edibles(both plant and animal):  Liberia produces cocoa so recently a householder went to her tree and picked some fresh for me.  The fruit resembles a small yellow-orange oblong gourd.  If ripe inside will be full of seeds covered with a thin sweet flesh like the inside of a grape.  Not much to them, but when dried the seeds can be ground into real cocoa powder

There’s even a contact that can bring fresh seafood, as he's pulling them in he's calling and the catch is YES still moving!  However you call them prawns, shrimp, scrimps .  . . . . they’re some ugly looking fellas, but YUMMY!  This is about 1200+ that Gene is trying to keep fresh as we wash and prep for freezing. 

But when those cravings for a One World bagel or Dunkin’ Donut hits I head straight to the kitchen.   Well actually it’s quite a process – first, I check online for recipe(s) and if they are well reviewed, then it’s off to the kitchen.  After I modify to fit my low skill level and any lacking ingredients stand back cuz what comes next is gonna be something . . . . . . .   hopefully something edible and baring a slight resemblance to the original.

Here’s the recent list:

Donuts (glazed/jelly or custard-filled)
Cinnabon knock offs
Raisin bread + Honey wheat bread
Bagels (cinn +raisin/ whole wheat/ plain egg)  never knew they had to be boiled & baked
Banana bread pudding
Waffle cones for ice cream  (where’s ColdStone when I needed them)
Wine (pineapple = yum, banana = not a good idea)
English muffins
I know it’s not earth moving, but I was never the all-from-scratch kinda girl but now I have a new appreciation for ‘kitchen science’.  You know me I’ll never be Martha Stewart, Emeril or Bobby Flay but until Papa Johns starts delivering to Monrovia, I’ll be spending lots of time in apron and oven mitts.  Been thinking of those buttery Auntie Ann pretzels at the mall. . . .  mmm.  . . .  gotta go.


  1.'re making us miss Illinois too!:-)

  2. Hey Daunny if I knew you had these hidden skills I would have let you loose in my kitchen , for something besides busting suds!!! Mom
